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Student Services and Special Education



The Student Services and Special Education Department of Regional School District 13 will destroy any and all special education/504 records of students who graduated or would have graduated with the Class of 2018.  These records may be helpful or necessary for future referrals to social security and other state services.  These records will be destroyed on July 2, 2024.


If any student, as described above, would like his/her special education/504 records, he/she must submit a written request for a copy of the records no later than July 1, 2024.  Please forward all requests to Jennifer Keane, Director of Student Services and Special Education, Regional School District 13, 135A Pickett Lane, PO Box 190, Durham, CT 06422.  Please also call the office of the Student Services and Special Education to confirm receipt of request at 860-349-7208 no later than July 1, 2024.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Director of Student Services and Special Education
Admin. Assistant to the Director of Student Services and Special Education
Admin. Assistant to the Director of Student Services and Special Education
Direct Line 860-349-7208
Student Services and Special Education

Student Services and Special Education

Regional School District 13, through the Student Services and Special Education Office, offers a full complement of programs and services for qualifying students. These services include speech/language, occupational and physical therapy, nursing, counseling, and evaluation by school psychologists, social workers and counselors. Guidance and counseling services are provided in all of our schools. A continuum of special educational programs through an inclusive educational model is available for students at all levels.

Special Education
It is the goal of Regional School District 13 to identify children with disabilities at the earliest possible age. Wherever possible the intervention provided is within the regular classroom environment. Although school personnel initiate the majority of referrals, parents are encouraged to refer their child if there are concerns about educational progress. Upon referral, a Student Assistance Team, working with the parent, will determine the appropriate course of action, and whether the school's Planning and Placement Team should meet. A team of school personnel will meet with parents to discuss appropriate action.
Transition Services
Special education services for students in grade 6 and up will also include appropriate transition services as determined through the Planning and Placement Team.  As noted in the Transition Bill of Rights, the focus of these transition services is to prepare students for adulthood in the areas of employment, post-secondary schooling and life skills. Appropriate services and supports are determined on an individual basis using a variety of transition assessments.
Parent/Guardian Resources 
Information regarding transition resources can also be found by visiting the CT State Department of Education website.
Health Services
Nursing services are provided by a registered nurse in each of the District's schools. Additionally, selected school staff participate in emergency training programs, thereby assuring that there is always a trained adult available in case of school emergency. In addition to providing for everyday health needs of students, the nursing staff performs required school-based health screenings and also plays an educational role regarding general school health issues.
School Climate for Optimal Learning
Regional School District 13 is committed to each student's success in learning within a caring, responsive, and safe environment that is free of discrimination, violence, and bullying.  Our district works to ensure that all students have the opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a personal and meaningful bond with people in the school community.
In accordance with state law and the Board's Safe School Climate Plan, "The Board expressly prohibits any form of bullying behavior on school grounds, a school-sponsored or school-related activity, function or program, whether on or off school grounds; at a school bus stop; on a school bus or other vehicle owned, leased or used by a local or regional board of education; or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned, leased or used by the Board of Education." (Policy 5131.8)
Students and guardians of students may file a written report of bullying.  Such reports may be filed with any building or district administrator.  Reports of bullying will be investigated and action will be taken for all verified reports.  All reports will be forwarded to the Office of Student Services and Special Education for review by the district's Safe School Climate Coordinator.
Title IX Coordinator contact information:
Title IX Coordinator: Jennifer Keane
Address: 135A Pickett Lane, PO Box 190, Durham, CT 06422
Phone: (860) 349-7208   Fax: (860) 860-349-7203
Materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process are available here.