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Information about how the public can view and participate in Board of Education and Committee meetings remotely will be posted to this page at least two (2) days prior to a meeting.

Board of Education Meeting: 7/24/2024

Board meetings
Board of Education Meeting: 7/24/2024

The next RSD 13 Board of Education Public Hearing/District Meeting is on July 24, 2024. The meeting will take place in the CRHS Library at 7 PM. A Board of Education Special Meeting will take place immedately after. The public will be able to participate in person or remotely via Zoom.

Joining Via Zoom

    • Click on this link:  
  • Passcode: 158629
  • When prompted, enter your full name and email address
  • Click continue

Joining Via Phone

  • Call 646-558-8656  or  646-931-3860 (Zoom offers several phone numbers in the event of high call volume)
  • Enter Webinar ID: 852 6010 4605 and press #
  • Press # again when asked for participant ID
  • Passcode: 158629

Public Comment via Phone Call

  • Dial *9 anytime to "raise your hand" to indicate to the host that you wish to speak during public comment
  • During public comment, listen for the meeting host to announce the last 4 digits of your phone  number and ask you to speak (Note: you will only be called upon if you have "raised your hand")
  • When called upon, dial *6 to unmute yourself
  • State your name and town before your comment(s)

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